
XCAD Network

About the client

Web3 study platform for YouTube influencers and their students, series of landing pages, token swap app, and browser extension.


  • web app
  • web design
  • front-end
  • back-end



Admin panel

We’ve created a modular admin panel for multi-grade user types to be able to use a single access point. Depending on the user’s grade and level of access we show one or other modules that are relevant to the particular user.

Admin panel
Admin panel
Admin panel

Creator swap

The most simple and user-friendly swap page to be able to swap tokens within the application without using third-party platforms and solutions.

Creator swap

Browser extension

We fit the functionality of the full-fledged web application into a small browser extension for Google Chrome. With the extension, users are able to receive and work with the platform tokens while watching YouTube videos.

Browser extension